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Reintroducing, The Sprites!

Cute lil guys turned studio mascots turned in-game helpers, we introduced them as The Blobs but they’re now known as Sprites! I’m in charge here so I’m posting my favorite lil guy first – the Earth Sprite! A reliable, down to earth kind of Sprite, they’re likely to be found nestling in a pothole inContinue reading “Reintroducing, The Sprites!”

A Merchant’s Guide to Rosewall – How to Play the Game!

Hey, Merchant! Welcome to the city of Rosewall, where you can make all your dreams come true as long as those dreams are all “Run a really cool and successful shop!” The first step to achieving that dream is to understand how to run a shop at all—the cool and successful part will come later*.Continue reading “A Merchant’s Guide to Rosewall – How to Play the Game!”

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